No longer restricted to smaller markets or isolated geographical locations, today’s small and medium-sized businesses can access the global marketplace through strategic interactions with globally situated supply chain networks. Internationally based suppliers...
I often get asked how to get started with implementing an Ethical Supply Chain strategy by potential customers. Having an extensive experience in working with Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), where as an example my organization helped out with initially...
In 1987, as head of the U.N.’s World Commission on Environment and Development, Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland issued the world’s first report that presented “Sustainability” as an appropriate objective for future global...
I hear it over and over, this myth, that says “sustainable” doesn’t equate with “profitable.” But is it true? As the global economy becomes even more complicated, international producers are recognizing that “sustainable”...
These tough economic times make it difficult for international manufacturers to stay abreast of industry developments. Often, upper management focuses its attention on a limited number of company sectors. Oversight of other corporate concerns is delegated to...
The thought of human slavery is abhorrent to billions of people around the world, yet the practice continues to flourish. More than two-thirds of the world’s slaves (14.2 million) are industrial workers, who labor in deplorable conditions for little or no pay...